Track Subscriptions
Quickly add a subscription from a pre-added list of 300+ subscriptions. You can also add custom subscriptions and manage them by tag. It takes less than 20 seconds to add a subscription.
Detailed Insights
Simplistic detailed insights of individual subscriptions. Shows what you're looking for, Gets the job done.
Feature List
Whether you use light mode or dark one, Subtrack comes with both themes while adding a little touch of multi-colors.
iCloud Sync
Automatically sync your data over iCloud to make your subscription list available on all your apple devices including iPhone, iPad and mac.
Drag & Drop
Manage your subscriptions by sorting them your way with Drag & Drop.
Any Size
While supporting iPhone, iPad and Mac, Subtrack supports both landscape and portrait modes including iPad's Split Screen View.
Passcode Lock
Keep your subscriptions safe with Passcode Lock.
Privacy Focused
We respect your privacy and know the importance of it. We do not collect any personal data.
Currency converter
Built-in support for all currencies and their current market price. Automatically convert foreign currencies amount to chosen default currency.
Custom Icons
20+ Custom Icons. Choose your favorite.
Export List
Open the settings to export your subscription data as CSV.
Do more with Siri Shortcuts
Powerful Siri shortcuts to give you details about your subscriptions. Want to know remaining dues of this week/month or about a specific subscription? Just ask Siri.

Works Everywhere
Manage Subscriptions everywhere. Available for iPhone, iPad and Mac.